Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Kaitlyn graduated from Pre-K last week. She was soooo excited but nervous too. At one point she told me she was just going to mouth the words to all the songs and Miss Becca would think she was singing. But she didn't. She had a great time and sang her little heart out. I knew she would. She had her hair in 2 french braids for 2 reasons: she likes it that way and more importantly, to keep her hat on.

Here are the Buono girls. They are the best of friends. Sophia and Kaitlyn have been together for 2 years now. We're anticipating many years of friendship with them. (Isabella and Renee are only about 3 weeks apart.) The Buono's live down the street, in the new section. Almost every week we get together for a play date, alternating houses. They eat lunch at each other's house and it gives me a free afternoon every other week. It's funny how both of the sets of sisters have tried things to eat at the other house: my girls like orange slices now and the Buono girls like egg salad now. A positive effect of peer pressure.

Kaitlyn, Sophia and Samantha

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Where's April?

What happened to April??? I just realized I never posted the whole month!! As you all know, I went to Florida for 6 days the end of April. This was a pretty big thing for me because I had never left my children overnight, let alone for 6 nights!!! Aunt Ginny kept them the first day and I had to chuckle when she told me she only caught Renee slapping Kaitlyn twice. Grandma Ann kept them the next day and they had a ball going to the church garage sale with her. They came home with several "treasures": an ironing board and iron (which I have yet to see them play with), 2 little parasols and a card game that we put in!! Guess who bought the card game? (Yep, Renee.) Dirk took 2 days off from school to be with them the other days.

The purpose of my trip to Florida was to fly back home with my mom. She doesn't fly well, especially without my dad. She was very appreciative and did great. I also helped her clean her house once the moving truck left. Nothing too difficult. Bev, Ginny and Harold had already done the work of packing.

The girls did great without me. So did Dirk. He managed to get Kaitlyn's hair combed and it looked great. He even did some laundry. I had bought little gifts for the girls and each night they would open them. They loved them and were a little sad Mommy was coming home because they knew that meant no more presents.

Here are some pictures of the huge moving truck. The driver, Aaron, already had 2 other loads on the truck when he picked up Mom's stuff.

Uncle Bob and I measured the truck. It's 13.5', in case you're ever curious when those 18 wheelers fly by you on the thruway.

The cab was bigger than most of them. Aaron told Ginny he had a double bed, fridge and shower in there. Probably a microwave too.

I don't think I ever posted pictures of Kaitlyn's big mouth-hole. She pulled the second tooth at Hoselton Toyota the end of March. Oh yea, we got a new car the beginning of April. Toyota RAV4. LOVE it.

And of course, what would a post be without some wacky pictures of Renee? Here she is riding her bike, wearing her "tap"shoes, dress-up skirt, undershirt, pearls and headband. What a girl!!