Sunday, January 27, 2008

Potty Training and Other Lessons Learned

Well, I think we're done with diapers!!! I'm doing the happy dance. It's been almost 5 1/2 years with at least 1 in them. I know other families do it for longer stretches so I'm not complaining too much.

When we ran out of the last package of diapers I refused to buy any more. I kept telling Renee that that was it, no more. When they're gone, they're gone. We did have some pull-ups left over from Kaitlyn and Lauryn Arcega so I figured I was pretty safe in telling her that. She had a MAJOR accident all over the carpet in the living room one day and wore a pull-up the rest of the day. The next day the accident was on the hardwood floor. Both times she was very apologetic and upset that that had happened. So I began to wonder if maybe she wasn't ready to be done with diapers. But yet, when she would wet the pull-up, she would change it herself. She knew what was happening. CONTROL!!!

One Friday when it came time to go to Morning Moms she wanted to wear underwear. No problem, just sit on the potty before we go. NO WAY!! Thus began the "Battle of the Wills". You can guess who won. (I think that was the day the accident was on the hardwood later that afternoon.) She managed to hold it until after lunch and then the floodgates opened up. She started asking for a diaper. I found some in a size bigger than what she normally wears, leftover from Kaitlyn. (That sounds terrible.....leftover diapers. They were never used!!) She was happy again.

On Thursday of this past week she decided she wanted to wear underwear. She has only had 1 little accident since then and is so proud of herself. She sits on her own potty and goes all by herself, without me asking her if she has to. She is loving the M&M's and also gets 1 for just "brying". That is not a typo. She has trouble saying certain r-blends. (Sidenote: she keeps her CLothes in the CLoset now. No more flothes or floset.) I have said for months that she is the kid that will one day wake up and decide to be done with diapers. Why did I think I could decide which day that would be?? Duh, Barb.

So what are the other lessons learned?
1. I would be a great mom if it weren't for the children! There are some days they know how to push my buttons and the fuse is way too short. The morning of the Battle of the Wills was one of them. I went to Morning Moms knowing I had totally blown it with both of them. I asked for prayer for patience and wisdom and of course, started crying.

2. Here's what the Lord is teaching me. When I admit to other people my need for Him, that I can't do this parenting thing on my own or in my own strength, things improve. I see a marked change in their attitudes and behaviors. Or is the change in mine? I'm not sure but life is more enjoyable. When I forget and try to fly solo, I don't get anywhere!

3. Pregnancy, labor and delivery were the easiest parts of motherhood. Morning sickness, heartburn, frequent bathroom visits, middle-of-the-night feedings, teething, fussiness, spit-up; you get the idea; that all wanes compared to toddlerhood and preschooler attitude. I know the days ahead will be trying and I will need to be reminded continuously to admit my need for help. I know that I never have to do this job in my own strength. When I am on my knees and am humbled before the Lord, I am strong. I also know that for me, there will never be a job that is more rewarding than motherhood!

4. The Lord entrusted me with these 2 precious little girls for a reason and a season. As I have watched my sibling's children grow up, I know it happens so quickly. Some of them are married and having their own children. Others are in college. The years seem like days so I am trying to savor each moment with my own children.

One of my favorite things to do is snuggle with the girls. They love to sit on my lap while I read to them but seem to start fighting about who has more room, etc. Kaitlyn gets the short end of the stick these days. She got her snuggles in before Renee was born so I think it evens out, right?? Renee is a hand-holder. She will reach out and hold my hand when we're walking to the mailbox or down the stairs or through the church lobby. I love the feel of her little hand in mine. Reminds me of when I was a little girl and would hold my daddy's hand. I loved the feeling of security as my hand was in his big and strong, yet gentle hand. How I long to be able to hold his hand one more time. But I am reminded that I have a Heavenly Father who is always willing to hold my hand. I just need to reach out to him.

I'll leave you with a recent picture of my Sweet Renee, wearing an antique dress. I wore it as a 3 year old. Polly Flinders dress. Love the smocking!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Pretend Game

Last night we were having some family time. The girls like when I light a bunch of candles and we keep the lights off. So that's what we did. Kaitlyn taught us a new "game" called the pretend game. You have to stand in a circle and walk around while the music plays. When she turns the music off you have to stop and do what she tells you to do. For example, pretend you are sweeping. When the music starts, you walk until it stops.

Renee really got into the pretending. Pretend you are eating an apple. Renee is chomping away. Pretend you are frosting a cake. Dirk is pretending to be licking the frosting off the knife. When I asked Renee if she was licking the frosting, her response made us all burst out laughing. "No, I'm not licking the frosting. I still have apple in my mouth."

The other thing we've been doing as a family is watching "Wheel of Fortune". Kaitlyn loves to call out letters and critique Vannah's dresses. One night she had on a hideous brown dress and that's all Kaitlyn could talk about.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas Update Part 2

I thought I would post some more pictures from Christmas. The first few are from a few days before Christmas. I was busy in the kitchen, fixing a nice Sunday dinner for some people who ended up not showing. Communication error........I was so upset. Anyways, the girls were playing upstairs and Dirk was somewhere. Renee came down to show me what they were up to. Once again, my little Picasso. What is it about markers and that child? I grabbed the camera and then called to Dirk to clean up his daughter. (Yep, she's always his when she's naughty.)

I love this next one of Renee. She can always make me smile, as exasperating as she is. The lamb outfit was her Halloween costume from a year ago.

These 2 are from the Ziegler family gathering. Gabriel, Joshua and Kaitlyn are all 5, born within a 20 day stretch in Sept. Lauren turned 3 in May.

Notice Renee's skirt. It's the new one Grandma bought her. You can't tell from this picture but she does have on the wings that came with it.

Now you can see her wings a little better.

I'll leave you with one more picture of Renee. I was cleaning out her closet and came upon a bin of my baby clothes. In it was this dress. I wore it in Ginny's wedding in 1970. I thought maybe Renee would like to pretend she was Princess Belle. Instead, she called herself Princess Buttercup, from a book we have about little fairy princesses named after flowers. I guess it makes sense, since I was a flowergirl in it. She was a little upset that we didn't have a basket for her to pick flowers with though.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Update

It's been a long time since I posted so thought I would share some of my favorite memories and photos from Christmas 2007. As always, we went to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at our church. We went to the "family friendly" service and I decided that I can't wait 'til the girls are old enough that we can go back to the traditional service. I guess I'm just too traditional when it comes to carols being sung. Give me the piano and organ versus guitars and drums and newer renditions. I do love looking around the sanctuary when all of the candles are lit and we're singing Joy to the World, the Lord is Come! Renee insisted on having her own candle and I managed to hold her off until the final verse of Joy to the World before giving in to her. Made me a LOT nervous though. They wore their sage green dresses and looked adorable.

The girls on Christmas morning before opening their presents. For some reason, Kaitlyn wanted to get dressed but Renee was content to stay in her pj's. They slept in until 7:30 which surprised me. They were both so excited about Santa coming. A few years ago, Kaitlyn was totally against the idea of Santa coming into our house. Plus, we don't have a fireplace. So we told her he would just leave the presents on the front porch and Mommy or Daddy would bring them in in the morning. This year she was explaining the whole thing to Renee. I guess that explanation worked for her.

Both of the girls love the movie "Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses". Kaitlyn was so excited when she opened this gift. Renee also got a Barbie but not the same one.

Here's my wonderful husband, opening one of his gifts. They're miniature figurine tanks and soldiers for a game he plays with "the guys".

I made a calendar for our mothers with photos of the girls. They both loved them.

Renee is loving on "Brandma". She used to call her Mama but now it's Brandma.

Some new dresses for the girl who loves to wear them, along with 3 new pairs of tights. Now if I could only get her to keep the tights on all day.

Kaitlyn finally got some dance leotards.

Both of the girls asked Santa for Polly Pockets. Kaitlyn wanted Jasmine and Renee wanted Cinderella. They were thrilled he remembered. In fact, on Christmas Eve, one of the last things Renee said before falling asleep was "I hope Santa brings me a Cinderella Polly Pocket." How could he deny that??

Grandma Ann and Grandpa Ray came over for brunch. They brought Renee a bed for her dolls. By this time Renee was dressed, complete with her ripped up old princess dress. I think she wore it 4 out of 7 days a week during the month of December. Grandma Ziegler made her a new dress-up skirt but she wasn't interested. But a few days later she bought her a tulle one with sparkly wings and the old one has now been replaced. YEH!!