Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August in Pictures

Here are a bunch of pictures from August. I just unloaded the memory card....only 330 pictures!!! Don't worry, I won't post them all. But there are a lot here.

The Oviatt and Sipes children created a HUGE castle in the sand box. I think half of it ended up in our trailer.....HATE that sandbox!

LOVE this picture!!

I baked a blueberry pie and was it ever good!!

We went to an Amish farm during GetAway Camp.

Dirk was up early one morning, taking pictures of the dining hall before they tore it down. He captured the sunrise. I prefer to watch it set. :)

Dirk took Renee out to breakfast on her birthday, Aug. 25.

The Dining Hall Demolition

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer Update

I thought I would give you an update on our summer thus far. Don't hold your breath for any pictures.....they were all wiped off my memory card. I had pictures from Father's Day, Dirk's birthday, our last days with Ethan and Family Camp but now they are GONE!!! I'm so sad about that but we just got a new camera so I'll have lots more pictures to post in the near future.

We have spent a lot of time at the trailer this summer. Last week we went up there on Thursday and just got back last night. We'll be home until Thursday of this week and then head back out there for Getaway Camp. The girls share a room and do great together at night. They love the freedom of riding their bikes all around! They don't even mind the seaweed in the lake.

Kaitlyn lost another tooth this past weekend. Her count is now up to 8!!! The front teeth are growing back in. Good thing she doesn't like corn-on-the-cob because she wouldn't be able to eat it!

Renee still has her days of being exasperating. We just had an episode this morning! Her birthday is 3 weeks from today.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for pictures in a few weeks.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Twinkle Toes

Yesterday the girls had their dance recital. I wasn't sure how Renee would cooperate since she REFUSED to have her picture taken with the rest of the class a month ago. But I bribed her and she came through!! They had fun and were great! They danced to "I Love to Walk in the Rain".

Ta Da

The Grand Finale

Miss Stacy, their teacher and the owner of the studio