Monday, January 21, 2008

Pretend Game

Last night we were having some family time. The girls like when I light a bunch of candles and we keep the lights off. So that's what we did. Kaitlyn taught us a new "game" called the pretend game. You have to stand in a circle and walk around while the music plays. When she turns the music off you have to stop and do what she tells you to do. For example, pretend you are sweeping. When the music starts, you walk until it stops.

Renee really got into the pretending. Pretend you are eating an apple. Renee is chomping away. Pretend you are frosting a cake. Dirk is pretending to be licking the frosting off the knife. When I asked Renee if she was licking the frosting, her response made us all burst out laughing. "No, I'm not licking the frosting. I still have apple in my mouth."

The other thing we've been doing as a family is watching "Wheel of Fortune". Kaitlyn loves to call out letters and critique Vannah's dresses. One night she had on a hideous brown dress and that's all Kaitlyn could talk about.


Ashley said...

how adorable... "I still have apple in my mouth!"

Amy said...

the girls were cracking me up today when I was watching them too. They are both so smart they dont miss a thing

Anonymous said...

I knew she was smart a long time ago, because she picked me as her favorite.

That's a great story...what an imagination.

christine said...

hey barb, i know this is totally random but i'd like to buy some of that spinach and herb mix from you. just tell me how to go about it!

Megan said...

What a great imagination! Thanks for sharing!