The play came a week after Kaits spent a week at home with her horrible hives. The timing couldn't have been better, if it had to happen. She would have been devastated if she had missed the play.
Singing her solo.
The beloved Mr. Herman. He will be greatly missed!
June 11 was the annual dance recital. The girls were in the same classes this year so it made it a little easier at the recital. They were the first number in the first show and we were able to leave right after that. Then, they had 2 numbers in the second show. Again, the first one and the second one after the intermission. It wasn't an overly hot day but the auditorium at the Middle School was HOT! Apparently, the AC wasn't working. Those poor girls who were in multiple numbers must have been exhausted! The recital lasted 3 hours but was very good. I was so proud of the girls, especially Renee. She had missed the rehearsal because she was sick so the first dance wasn't as good. But they did a great job for the second one. Renee was a little moody but she willingly danced and seemed to have a good time. We went to Pizza Hut afterwards so it was close to 9:30 before they were sleeping.
Miss Lori Williams, their CDT teacher. Both girls have had her for 2 years now.
Kaitlyn and Jaycee Karelus
Renee and Camryn Karelus
This is Miss Tara, their Acro/Hip-Hop teacher.
The following day the first graders were getting their Bibles so I got up and walked to church while Dirk and the girls stayed home. Renee was still sleeping when I left before 8:30. She was a tired little girl.
This is their last week of school. They have half days through Thursday. Kaitlyn is very sad about the year ending and so am I. She has had an amazing year. I thought last year was awesome but this year has been every bit as awesome. She continues to blossom as a learner and has tons of friends. I am glad the year is ending for Renee though. It's been a tough year socially and the class is not very good behaviorally. She is looking forward to a better year next year. Academically, she has grown and I need to continue to foster that over the summer. Her reading skills are beginning to develop but they're not strong enough for her to read very independently. It will come, though.