Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Screamin' Girls

I have not been good at this blog thing this summer. Sorry. I promise I will try to do better this month or next.

When Dirk and I first moved into our house, the girls across the street were fairly young. They used to be loud and obnoxious when they were playing outside or swimming in their pool. We affectionately called them the screamin' girls. Well, that title has now bitten us back!!! Today I was going to run down to IGA and Renee wanted to go with me. Not a problem, or so I thought. Yes, I was being lazy and was going to take the blue car. She wanted to go in the van and REFUSED to get in the car. So I told her I was going to go without her. She didn't care. She stood by the van and screamed. I wasn't gone very long guessed it. She was still standing by the van when I got home, screaming. I had to carry her into the house, all the while kicking and screaming. She continued screaming in her room for another 15 minutes or so. Tonight at bedtime she screamed for 30 minutes straight!! That girl is one STUBBORN little girl!!

Sometimes Kaitlyn gets into the screaming act. She's much too old to be doing that! Can't wait for school to start. Sorry Becca.


Anonymous said...

Amy and I have tried to refrain from judging the kids on the street...because we know that someday our kids will be known as "those kids".

Amy said...

Awww, let me know when you want me to take them off your hands for a few hours. Funny that just when the screaming girls move out of the neighborhood yours replace them