Monday, October 27, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

I usually have good intentions for staying current but then somehow, life gets crazy busy and my good intentions fall by the wayside. Here are some pictures from my birthday and Kaitlyn's 3 days later.

The girls gave me an ipod shuffle.

We went to Friendly's for dinner.

Kaitlyn wanted a purple cake. This is what I came up with. She was thrilled.

Renee and I took a treat to school to celebrate her birthday.

She opened a few gifts before we headed to Chuck-E-Cheese for her "friend party".

She had invited her best friend Sophia and 2 girls from her class, Jenna and Sara. Sara lives diagonally from us so they ride the bus together.

Renee had a field trip with her class to Stokoe Farms. She had a great time playing on the activities and picking a pumpkin with her new friend Carlee. Her other new friend, Lily, didn't go so she was disappointed.

On Columbus Day Dirk took Kaitlyn to Whittier Farms to pick out her pumpkin. We had originally planned to go as a family but a particular 4 yr. old wouldn't cooperate and had to stay home.

A couple more images of fall:

Fancy Nancy


Amy said...

I love the new layout and all the new pictures! You look great in that first picture. I love how Kaitlyn strapped her pumpkin into the carseat haha.

Matt and Megan said...

I love all the wonderful fall memories you've captured!

Anonymous said...

You're becoming quite the photographer. Great pictures! You've got beautiful girls. Deciding to let the hair go au natural? Looks good