Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Milestone

This past weekend we were at the lake. I forgot the camera but figured we wouldn't do anything that was photo-worthy. WRONG!!! We had a great campfire with the Oviatt's on Friday night, went blueberry picking with them Sat. morning and had a picnic lunch at a local playground. Lots of missed pictures. I was kicking myself.

The highlight of the weekend for Kaitlyn involved her bike. She had a red crocodile bike that was definetely a boy's bike. She and Seth Oviatt (he's only 3.5) decided to trade bikes because his was VERY girly. They agreed on the trade and the parents were OK with it. Renee wanted to get in on the new bike too......that will be an ongoing struggle. Well, anyways, Kaitlyn decided to have Daddy take the training wheels off and he helped her to learn how to balance and start, etc. She really got the hang of it quickly. She's still a bit wobbly but keeps working at it and doesn't get discouraged when she doesn't go too far. So my little babygirl is now (sorta) riding a two-wheeler! Not to be outdone, Renee had to try a few times too.

Before we left for the lake on Friday we called Uncle Mike to see if he would watch Goldie for the weekend. At first Kaitlyn was a little nervous that Ben would flush her down the toilet but I reassured her that Uncle Mike and Aunt Bev would take very good care of her. (Years ago when Amy had a fish, he died while she was at camp. They flushed Bubbles and tried to substitute a different fish in the bowl. Ben squealed the minute he saw Amy.) I don't think there was any subbing going on this time.


Amy said...

I cant wait to see the big girl on her 2 wheeler. Tell Kaitlyn Ben wasn't the problem he was just the tattle tale

Anonymous said...

Hmmm---so we slipped the new fish by her, eh. This time Ben didn't tell, I guess.