Friday, January 16, 2009

Ziegler Family Christmas

Here's the whole crew, with the exception of Aaron and Christine. They had already been here for a week and were at Christine's parents on Long Island.

This year we rented the new lodge at Union Station Park, right behind Ginny's house. It was smaller and didn't have a fireplace but had an oven and the acoustics were better.

Mom and her children

The grandchildren and their spouses. What's with the thumbs up John and Ben?

The granddaughters. There's only 6 of them so they have to stick together. It cracks me up that Dana's kids are the same age as mine.

4 generations.

Grandma and her great grandchildren. I love Gabe's "smile". It makes me smile!

The white elephant gift exchange is always hilarious. This year it was no different. Mom even participated....must have figured the kids shouldn't have all the fun.

The year of the carved candle.

Is Brett practicing for "The Bachelor"? Will you accept this rose?

How are those toe socks feeling Jay? Bet they're keeping your toes nice and toasty.


Matt and Megan said...

If Brett is practicing for "The Bachelor" John looks like the disgruntled contestant that didn't make it!

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm giving Brett a death stare in that picture.

And I had forgotten about the thumbs up in that one picture. Ben and I are so cool.

Elissa said...

this is great that you can get so many of the family in one place!! what great memories!