Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I was tagged on Facebook with this and thought I would include it here too.

1. I'm the youngest of 5 children.
2. I have a very keen sense of smell. It can be a blessing or a curse.
3. A day doesn't go by that I don't miss my Dad. It will be 5 years on Memorial Day that he's been gone.
4. One of my pet peeves is that some people never send thank-you notes for gifts received.
5. Another pet peeve is when people park in spots that are not parking spots.
6. My first job, beside babysitting, was cleaning motel rooms in Niagara Falls. It was a pretty gross job!
7. I was almost 35 when Dirk and I got married. He had just turned 36 the week before. I like to tease him and say he's much older than I.
8. I love snuggling with my children. I'll miss that when they outgrow it. Maybe they never will. :)
9. Dirk and I first met at Lighthouse Christian Camp when we were 13 or 14.
10. I love the smell of coffee beans but don't drink coffee.
11. I got my first white hair at the age of 22. Although my mom has beautiful white hair, as did her mother, I'm fighting it! I think it's a losing battle though.
12. I have donated my hair 2 times to Locks of Love.
13. Several of our friends sent their firstborn off to college this past fall. We sent our firstborn to Kindergarten.
14. I have several cousins that I have never met and probably never will.
15. All of my siblings live or work within a 2 mile radius of my house.
16. I never had a cavity until I was a month shy of turning 40. What's up with that?
17. I don't think my children even look like siblings, yet they're from the same gene pool.
18. I am very good at recalling dates of people's birthdays, events, etc.
19. I love to fly.
20. My kids talk about my Dad as if they remember him. Renee wasn't even born when he died so I guess I'm doing a good job at keeping his memory alive.
21. Some of my favorite places are Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; Morainne Lake in the Canadian Rockies and Lighthouse Christian Camp.
22. I used to love to waterski. I haven't done it for over 10 years. Would I still be able to get up?
23. I received both my BS and MEd. from Roberts Wesleyan College.
24. I really admire single parents. Parenting is hard enough but when you have to do it by yourself....yikes.
25. I want my girls to accept Jesus Christ as their savior at a young age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barb,you and I have a lot in common!! I'm also the youngest of 5 children! My Dad was a minister as well. I also have a very keen sense of smell.We also have 2 children.Etc etc.. Your blog's background is very pretty, but very hard to read!!:-( love ya, Inge