Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It is Better to Give than to Recieve

Kaitlyn demonstrated this biblical principle on Mother's Day. I was just drifting back to sleep at 6:30 (after making an unexpected airport run at 4:30.....that's a whole other story) and she came up to our room excitedly. Instead of coming to my side of the bed like she usually does, she went to Dirk's.

K: Daddy, can Mommy open up her presents now?
D: No, not yet. It's not wake-up time yet.
K: Well, when can she?

We finally held her off until 7 and then Dirk gave in. She had to wait until we were all ready for church to open the gift from she and Renee. Then, she must have asked me 17 times if I liked my presents, which of course I did. You can see her excitement in this picture.

Don't they look cute in their "twin" dresses from Amy and John's wedding?

Tomorrow is the big "Gradulation" day for Kaitlyn so look for some pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

Of course Renée is carrying a purse...what a girly girl.

Amy said...

I love those dresses! I am so bummed I am missing gradulation. I cant believe she's old enough to be going to Pre-K

Natalie said...

One of my students kept talking about "decoration" and how his family was going to the church and having a party. After several days, we figured out it was graduation. If we correct him, he says "Yeah. Decoration."

Mom of 2 Cuties said...

Don't you just love when kids say the funniest things and then give you the look that says, "You're an idiot." I had 1 student that did that all the time.