Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ya Gotta start sometime

I decided I don't have a lot to post but something is better than nothing. We had a relaxing morning today. Kaitlyn and Renee play so well together these days. They wanted to have a picnic lunch in the backyard so we did. We even ate on a blanket instead of the picnic table. They are loving being able to ride their bikes......Renee can pedal hers as fast as Kaitlyn.

Tonight when I went in to see Renee sleeping, she had put her pillow at the other end of her crib, draped George and a fleece blanket over the side of the crib, and had "Woof Woof" right next to her. She had also stuffed her blankie inside her pajama leg so she had this huge bulge. What a goof! She can always put a smile on my face.


Amy said...

Yay I am so excited that you finally started a blog! Now I will have a glimpse into life with my sisters when I am not there.

And I will try to come over soon to help you with the pictures and stuff

Anonymous said...

Yes! This is glad that we've fully sucked you into this blogging loop now.

Mom of 2 Cuties said...

Oh John....I am so hooked! I even blog stalk a few other people, complete strangers whose blogs I stumbled upon.