Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Weekend Update

For some reason, our camera is telling me there are no pictures on the card. I know there are....I put them there myself. But for some reason, they're gone. Technology stinks sometimes! I had some cute ones of the cousins and roasting marshmallows.

We had a great weekend at the lake. The girls were so excited to be back in the trailer and the cottage. Kaitlyn woke up in the night one night; couldn't find her bunny. When I easily located him she said, "You can always find Bunny for me Mommy. Thanks." I was a little worried about Renee settling down and sharing a room with Kaitlyn but they did great. In the mornings Kaitlyn never woke her up. Just us.

On Sunday the Ziegler cousins came. The 3 youngest boys and my 2 girls had a great time together!! They played really well and shared so nicely. The Ziegler's had a campfire that night and Kaitlyn was upset with me because I made her go to bed. Mean Mommy!! We had had our campfire the night before but that didn't count I guess. Another time she got upset with me because she wanted to play newcome. Don't even ask me what it is, other than a game that the older kids love to play on the volleyball court. When I told her she couldn't go, she copped an attitude and said, "Mom, did you forget I'm 4 1/2?" My response: "I'm well aware of how old you are but you're still not playing." Take that!

We didn't even try to put Renee down for any naps so she was one tired girl. On the way home Monday night they both were sleeping by 7:50. Kaitlyn woke up briefly when we carried her in but Renee slept 'til we woke her Tuesday at 8:45 and then took a nap in the afternoon!

That about covers our weekend. We had a little rain in the night early Sunday morning. (Enough that it woke Kaitlyn up and she spent the rest of the night in our bed.)


Anonymous said...

That problem with raising smart kids is that they can talk back better. I'm sure my Mom will agree with this...

becca said...


Unknown said...

Hi, Barb! Love all your pictures! I have to agree with John - Bryon can come up with some pretty good comebacks.