Friday, June 6, 2008

This One Takes All

We have very limited kitchen counter space so we have to keep our toaster in the cupboard. Lately it's been acting up when you plug it in. In fact, the other morning it wouldn't work and I had to plug it in and keep flipping the plug probably 5 times before it finally worked. All that introduction for today's "quote of the day".

Kaitlyn usually watches PBS Kids while I shower and then we get breakfast. Well, this morning when I came downstairs, she told me that she had already made waffles for she and Renee. "I didn't have any trouble with the toaster. I just plugged it in and it worked." Here's my favorite part........"Maybe I'm smarter than you and that's why it worked."


Amy said...

Oh man, thats the curse of having smart kids. I hope you told her you still probably have a few years on her. And is she allowed to use the toaster?

Anonymous said...

What a little punk...

I think I'd give me kid a wedgie if they said that, to show them that I'm both smarter AND stronger than them.