Thursday, June 7, 2007

Megan Brown and Best Friend

I have 2 stories to share tonight, one from each of the girls.

We were going to a birthday party in Spencerport today and on the way we were talking about who else lives there, etc. I reminded Kaitlyn that Megan Brown lives there but she'll be moving after she gets married. (Kaitlyn loves to call people by their first and last names: Megan Brown, Carrie Morgan, John Keller)

K: Who is she marrying?
B: A guy named Matt George.
K: So her name will be Megan George. I'll just call her Megan Curious George. Then she just started giggling.

Renee has been such a mommy's girl lately. Oh surprise! Today she wanted to sit on my lap at breakfast and when I told her she needed to sit on her own chair she protested. "Mommy, you're my best friend." I think I will remind her of this in 10 years when she thinks she's too cool to be seen with me.


Amy said...

Aww that just brightened by day. I can't wait to tell Megan that. Remember how you used to tease me because I'd always say "my friend Megan" or "my friend Carrie"

becca said...

what a great story. i am sure that i will have some great quotes from that little lady next year in prek. i can't wait to see her almost everyday!

Ashley said...

hehehe the little boy that I nanny for, Garrett, made a similar hilarious-to-him curious george comment the other day... oh and the bread... I would like 1 wheat and 1 regular beer bread... is there any way I'd be able to get it by next weekend? I'm sorry for the short notice.... send me your address and I'll send you a check... thanks :)

Megan said...

Ha ha, too cute!

Amy told me that I was the topic of your blog and I've been meaning to post.

My students told me the other day that my name can't become Mrs. George because it's a first name and CAN'T be a last name!

Megan said...
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