Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ode to Benjamin

Yesterday was also Ben's high school graduation. So in honor of our next door neighbor and nephew/cousin, this one is for you Ben.

I have watched you grow up, from the day you were born. In fact, I held you when you were barely an hour old. I have spent many fun times with you: numerous trips to the lake and Florida, Family Camp, babysitting you and your siblings and sharing a bedroom with you for 4 months before Dirk and I got married. I think of you whenever Kaitlyn watches Arthur. :)You have been mistaken for my son quite a few times, most recently when you went to Florida with the girls and I a year ago. I would be proud to be your mom anytime. Thanks for always making us laugh. We love you Benjamin.


Amy said...

Those are such typical Ben pictures, I love them

Anonymous said...

The girls look so excited to be sitting with Ben - or are they just excited to get their picture taken?
I love your blog and pictures, Barb!

Ashley said...

how sweet! thanks again for the bread :) it was so good to see you and the girls!

Anonymous said...

Ben's like Raymond...everybody loves him.